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Why Use Vitrified Bond for Grinding Wheels?

A grinding wheel has three components: Abrasive grains that do actual cutting. Bond which holds together the abrasive grains in the wheel while they cut and releases grains when they become dull, so as to provide new sharp grains. Structure which is the void or air space left between adjacent grains coated with bond, so […]

Guidelines for Selecting Grinding Wheels

Selecting right grinding wheel for a specific application, if properly understood, is not difficult. Some times, the first selection of the wheel may not turn out appropriate and modifications in specification may be necessary. Factors Affect Choice of Right Grinding Wheel There are 6 factors which affect choice of a grinding wheel specification. Material to […]

OD Grinding & ID Grinding Fundamentals

Precision grinding of the outer surface of any cylindrical piece is called OD grinding. OD grinding operations on cylindrical pieces, are done on two different types machines. Centre or centerless type, and by two different methods of applying the work pieces to the grinding wheel. The difference in two methods is based in the method […]

Grinding Machine Safety Precautions and Checklist

The grinding wheels are safe operating tools, but also it must be remembered that they are fragile and breakable. Grinding is a safe operation under normal conditions. Severe stresses can be set up in the grinding wheel if, established, safe operating practices are not maintained. A thorough knowledge of the nature and characteristics of grinding […]

Handling and Storage Method of Abrasives Grinding Wheels

Handling of Grinding Wheels All the abrasive wheels are breakable and some are very fragile. Great care shall be exercised in handling and storage to prevent damage which might cause a wheel to fly apart when speed up. Wheel shall be handled carefully to prevent dropping or bumping. Wheels shall not be rolled except in […]

Guide to Improve Grinding Profitability as Production Manager / Engineer

You can improve your grinding profitability by tracking and measuring following parameters. These parameters all work together and adjusting one or more parameters changes the result. Balancing important parameters allows you to improve grinding efficiency by making necessary changes. Let’s discuss with important main factors that influence grinding efficiency. 1) Machine and tools Rigidity, precision […]

Common Grinding Problems : Causes and Methods of Correction

In this post, we are going to discuss techniques commonly used to eliminate grinding defects. Common grinding defects such as chatter during grinding and guidelines to establish a problem free foundation for optimizing the grinding process. 9 most common grinding problems and how to fix them Grinding is a crucial process in manufacturing and it […]